So, I finally finished deciding on the colour scheme and painted up the first squad of the army, a special weapon squad with 3 grenade launchers. I am also going to be mega sneaky, and make up more special weapons from the command and platoon sprues, and use the snap-fit guardsmen to take their place in their respective squads. That way, I can have the option of using the different special weapons.
I have also started a Company Commander conversion. Merchant-General James Scrymgeour, commander of the 1st Sculfleet, is of the most noble lineage of Scrymgeour, and 5th in line to the throne. He weilds an imperial issue power fist, and a weapon of archaic design known as the "Gauntlet of Ferrus' Wrath". It is a Space Marine designed power fist which has had its power supply rerouted to a plasma conduit to provide him with a powerful, albeit unstable, ranged weapon. The Merchant-General gained this odd weapon while engaged in combat alongside Space Marines of the Hellions of Steel chapter. Sculfleet forces fought with such ferocity in battle, that the Hellions took many soldiers aboard their Battle Barges stationed in orbit for treatment. James, having had his left arm torn off by a Chaos Space Marine, recieved a mechanical transplant, the Gauntlet in question.
For some reason the pictures of the conversion came out really badly!
- Closeup of the 'Gauntlet of Ferrus' Wrath'
Making Oldhammer Box absolute joy!
For most of 2024 I worked on the painting of an oldhammer Dwarf Army, but
after a while it got tiring, painting up many minis that all look pretty
3 weeks ago